
The Party

The Party

The door opens wide
The welcome mat lain out
Inviting everyone in.
Love abounds fresh and new
All are met as friends.

In walks Hope and Wonderment
Mrs. Trust and Mr. Care.
The Cherishes have joined the fun
And Compassion is just over there.

Romance came waltzing across the floor
And Jealousy wasn’t far behind
Bringing with him Mr. Lust and Greed
But I didn’t see the signs.

Miss Pettiness made her rounds
And Insecurity came.
Dr. Assurance said worry not
But then the mood had changed

At the bar sat Depression and Doubt
Whom I had not noticed there before.
So I removed the welcome mat
And asked Caution to watch the door.

Just then, Denial took hold of me
And introduced me to Pain.
Anger soon came rushing in
However, I did not say a thing.

I sat down with Confusion
Self-Loathing and Disappointment too.
Then the party had died down
As Somber sang the blues.

Rationalization opened up my eyes
And helped me to clearly see.
So I threw everybody out
Well… all but Misery

The room grew very cold and dark
And where once was an open door
Is now bricked and chained and bolted shut
Love flourishes, never more.

~ Arnold Bailey

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